Amana washer timer won’t work oftentimes and that gives you the hard time. I have seen this problem with the top loaders like whenever you will set the timer (reguler, gentle, and casual), the timer never moves.

If it comes to troubleshoot Amana washer timer then you need to replace it.

Here in this article I will let you know how to replace the washer timer.

How to replace Amana washer timer

Here is the replacement process of Amana washer timer, all you need to do is to read between the lines of my instructions.

The first step is pretty simple, you will need to unplug the washer for the safety issue.

Now, you will need a screwdriver to unscrew the control panel which is located at the back of your Amana washer.

Once you have opened the panel so lift it and get access into the timer

Now, you will locate the timer where you will find a knob button.

In order to release the timer of Amana washer you will need to pull it out.

Inside of the knob, a tiny black bar pops out which helps the knob to release. That means when it goes up it helps to release and do the opposite when it goes down.

Here is the reason why the Amana washer timer not working, yes, the knob black bar is slipping off.

3/16 screwdriver

Now, you will need to open up the setting indicator dial

To fix it, you need a 3/16 screwdriver as it helps to hold the time in place. That sounds like, this will let the time sliding left to right.

open the timer

Once you unscrew it then you can flip the timer and unplug the timer connection

Now you will need to release the tab of the timer which will allow you to open up timer.

Here you comes on the final step to install a new timer of Amana washer. That’s pretty easy as you have already open up the old timer of Amana. Repeat it and from step 6 and go back to the step 1 to install it


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