amana washer drain hose installation

Amana washer drain hose installation Guideline

Installing a new drain hose for your Amana washer may seem like a daunting task, but with the right guidance and a little patience, it can be a straightforward process. 

A properly installed drain hose ensures that water is efficiently drained from your washing machine, preventing leaks and potential damage to your laundry area. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing a drain hose for your Amana washer. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get started!

Amana Washer drain hose replacement Process

When it comes to your Amana washer’s performance, one crucial factor that often gets overlooked is the proper installation of the drain hose. 

The drain hose plays a vital role in ensuring efficient water drainage from your washing machine. If not installed correctly, it could lead to issues like water leakage, inefficient drainage, and even potential damage to your laundry room.

1. Collect the Necessary Amana Washer parts

Before you begin the installation process, make sure you have all the tools and materials required. 

You will need a new Amana washer drain hose (compatible with your model), a pair of pliers, a bucket, a measuring tape, and a utility knife. Double-check your washer’s model number to ensure you have the correct drain hose.

2. Turn Off the Power and Water Supply

Safety first! Start by unplugging your Amana washer from the power outlet to avoid any electrical mishaps during the installation process.

Additionally, turn off the water supply valves connected to the washing machine. This will prevent water from gushing out while you work on the drain hose.

3. Locate the Drain Hose Connection Point

Next, carefully move your washing machine away from the wall to access the back. Locate the drain hose connection point, which is usually found at the rear of the machine. It will be attached to the drain pump or a designated drain outlet.

4. Remove the Old Drain Hose

Using the pliers, loosen the hose clamp that secures the current drain hose to the drain pump or outlet.

Gently slide the clamp down the hose and disconnect it from the washer.

Now, let’s tackle the heart of the matter — replacing the drain hose assembly:

  • Use channel locks to grip the hose clamp and release it.
  • Wiggle the hose free, keeping a towel handy to catch any residual water.
  • Remove the hose retaining clamp.
  • Squeeze the clamp with needle nose pliers to release it and pull it out.

5. Measure and Cut the New Drain Hose

Using the old drain hose as a reference, measure the length required for the new hose.

It’s essential to have a proper fit to avoid kinks or bends that may obstruct water flow.

Once measured accurately, use the utility knife to cut the new drain hose to the appropriate length.

6. Attach the New Drain Hose

Carefully attach the new drain hose to the drain pump or designated outlet.

With the old hose removed, it’s time to install the new OEM replacement:

  • Feed the new hose through the designated slot in the washer’s back.
  • Ensure the hose tabs overlap correctly, with one underneath the other.
  • Push the tabs through to lock them in place.
  • Secure the hose with a clip that pushes through the frame.
  • Use channel locks to tighten the clamp, ensuring a secure fit.

7. Reassembling the Washer

To prevent the drain hose from dislodging during the washing machine’s operation, secure it in place using cable ties or mounting clips.

Make sure it is positioned well and does not interfere with any moving parts or get pinched behind the washer. Moreover, Make sure the hose is positioned at the appropriate height to prevent water backflow.

Now that the new drain hose assembly is in place, it’s time to reassemble your Amana washer:

  • Slide the frame back onto the base, making sure it aligns with the tabs.
  • Reconnect all wires and cords.
  • Carefully reattach the control console, ensuring straps are outside and clips align with holes.
  • Secure the console with screws.

8. Check for Leaks

With the installation complete, it’s time to double-check for any potential leaks. Slowly turn on the water supply valves and observe the connection points. If you notice any leaks, immediately turn off the water supply and recheck the hose connections. Tighten the hose clamps if necessary.

Once the hose is securely attached to the washer, position the other end to the drainpipe or standpipe. Again, use hose clamps to secure the connection and prevent any potential leaks. 

9. Position the Washer and Plug It In

plug in

Now that everything is securely in place, carefully slide your Amana washer back into its original position against the wall. Ensure that there is enough space between the washer and the wall for the drain hose to function correctly. Plug the washing machine back into the power outlet.

With the drain hose now connected to both the washer and the drainpipe, double-check the alignment and positioning of the hose. Use a level to ensure the hose has a slight downward slope to facilitate proper water drainage.

10. Test the Washer

Before you start washing a load of laundry, run a test cycle to ensure everything is working correctly. Let the machine fill with water, agitate, and drain to verify that the new hose is functioning as expected.

How long should the Amana washer drain hose be?

The length of the Amana washer drain hose should not exceed 96 inches (8 feet). It is important to avoid any unnecessary extensions or kinks in the hose to ensure proper drainage and prevent clogs.

Can I install the Amana washer drain hose vertically?

No, the Amana washer drain hose should not be installed vertically. It should be positioned in a way that allows for a continuous downward flow of water into the drain. Vertical installations can cause water to back up and may lead to drainage issues.

Does the Amana washer drain hose require an air gap?

Yes, it is recommended to provide an air gap between the end of the Amana washer drain hose and the drain pipe. This helps prevent the possibility of siphoning and ensures proper drainage by allowing air to enter the system.

How do I secure the Amana washer drain hose to the standpipe or sink?

To secure the Amana washer drain hose, use a zip tie or hose clamp to fasten it to the standpipe or sink. Make sure the connection is tight to prevent leaks during the washing machine’s operation.

Can I extend the Amana washer drain hose using an extension kit?

Answer: Yes, Amana offers extension kits specifically designed for extending the washer drain hose when the standard length is not sufficient. These extension kits are recommended as they ensure the proper fit and function of the drain hose without compromising drainage performance.


Congratulations! You have successfully installed a new drain hose for your Amana washer. Proper installation is crucial to ensure efficient water drainage and prevent potential leaks. By following these step-by-step instructions and taking necessary safety precautions, you can enjoy the benefits of a well-functioning washing machine without any worries. Happy laundry days!


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